quarta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2013

Carnival in Rio!


The Carnival of Rio de Janeiro is officially considered the largest in the world by the Guinness Book, with approximately 2 million people per day in the street blocks.

carnival block in Ipanema

Carnival block in Aterro do Flamengo

The highlight is the spectacular samba school parade, a rich and colorful exhibition of 14 main groups along the avenue, and the Sambodromo, with seating for the 70,000. 
You can also go to the parade. You can buy a costume! The value can vary greatly. Depends on the samba school and how highlight do you want to be. Something between R$ 500 reais and may reach a R$ 15 thousand reais.

If you don't want to pay anything and join the heat of brazilian people just stay on the streets full of small samba groups with drum driven everywhere. 2013 we had more than 5 million revelers on the streets of Rio. We are waiting for you in 2014!!!

Apoteose or sambodramo - The school Parade

our beautiful girls at the school parade at sambodramo

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